Binary Translator

Convert Binary to Text / English or ASCII Binary Translator. Enter binary numbers (E.g: 01000101 01111000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101) and click the Convert button

About Binary Translator

Binary Translator

Convert Binary to Text / English or ASCII using Leadgend SEO Binary Translator. Enter binary numbers (E.g: 01000101 01111000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101) and click the Convert button.

Binary translator

The binary translator is a tool to translate binary code into text for reading or printing purposes. You can translate binary to English by using two methods; ASCII and Unicode.

Binary Numeral System

The binary decoder system is based on the number 2 (radix). It consists of only two numbers as a base-2 numeral system: 0 and 1.

While it was applied for various purposes in ancient Egypt, China, and India, the binary system has become the modern world's language of electronics and computers. This is the most efficient system for detecting the off (0) and on (1) state of an electrical signal. It is also the basis of binary code to text that is used in computer-based machines to compose data. Even the digital text you are currently reading consists of binary numbers. But you can read this text because we have decoded binary using binary to words code.

It's easier to read a binary number than it looks: this is a positional system; therefore, every digit in a binary number is raised to the powers of 2, starting with 20 from the right. Each binary digit in the binary code converter refers to 1 bit.

What’s ASCII?

ASCII is a character encoding standard for electronic communication, abbreviated from the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. In computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices, ASCII codes represent text. While many additional characters are supported, most modern character encoding schemes are based on ASCII.

ASCII is the traditional name for the encoding system; the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) prefers the updated U.S.-ASCII name, which clarifies that this system was developed in the U.S. and based on the predominantly used typographic symbols.

ASCII is one of the highlights of the IEEE.

Binary to ASCII

Originally based on the English alphabet, ASCII encodes 128 specified seven-bit integer characters. Ninety-five encoded characters are printable, including digits 0 to 9, lower case letters a to z, upper case letters A to Z, and symbols for punctuation. Furthermore, 33 non-printing control codes originating with Teletype machines were included in the original ASCII specification; most of these are now obsolete, although some are still commonly used, such as carriage return, line feed, and tab codes.

For example, binary 1101001= hexadecimal 69 (i is the ninth letter) = decimal 105 would represent lowercase I in the ASCII encoding.

Uses of ASCII

As mentioned above, using ASCII, you can translate computer text into human text. Simply put, it’s a binary to-English translator.

All computers receive messages in binary, 0, and 1 series. However, just as English and Spanish can use the same alphabet but for many similar things, they have completely different words, and computers also have their own language version. ASCII is used as a method that allows all computers to share documents and files in the same language.

ASCII is important because computers were given a common language by the development.

In 1963, ASCII was first used commercially as a seven-bit teleprinter code for the TWX (Teletype Writer eXchange) network of American Telephone & Telegraph. Initially, TWX used the previous five-bit ITA2, which the competing Telex teleprinter system also used. Bob Bemer introduced features like the sequence of escape. His British colleague, Hugh McGregor Ross, helped popularize this work–"so much so that the code to become ASCII was first called the Bemer–Ross Code in Europe," according to Bemer. Because of his extensive ASCII work, Bemer was called "ASCII's father."

Until December 2007, when UTF-8 encoding surpassed it, ASCII was the most common character encoding on the World Wide Web; UTF-8 is backward compatible with ASCII.

UTF-8 (Unicode)

UTF-8 is a character encoding that can be as compact as ASCII but can also contain any Unicode characters (with some file size increase).

UTF is Unicode Transformation Format. The' 8' means representing a character using 8-bit blocks. The number of blocks that a character needs to represent varies from 1 to 4.

One of UTF-8's really nice features is that it is compatible with null-terminated strings. When encoded, no character will have a byte null (0).

Unicode and the Universal Character Set (UCS) of ISO / IEC 10646 have a much wider range of characters and their various encoding forms have started to quickly replace ISO / IEC 8859 and ASCII in many situations. While ASCII is limited to 128 characters, Unicode and UCS support more characters through the separation of unique identification concepts (using natural numbers called code points) and encoding (up to UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32-bit binary formats).

Difference between ASCII & UTF-8

ASCII was incorporated as the first 128 symbols in the Unicode (1991) character set, so the 7-bit ASCII characters in both sets have the same numeric codes. It enables UTF-8 to be compatible with 7-bit ASCII, as a UTF-8 file with only ASCII characters is identical to an ASCII file with the same character sequence. More importantly, forward compatibility is ensured as software that recognizes only 7-bit ASCII characters as special and does not alter bytes with the highest bit set (as is often done to support 8-bit ASCII extensions like ISO-8859-1) will preserve unchanged UTF-8 data.

Applications of Binary Code Translator

  • The most common application for this number system can be seen in computer technology. After all, the basis for all computer language and programming is a two-digit number system used in the digital encoding.
  • This is what makes up the digital encoding process by taking data and then depicting it with restricted bits of information. The restricted information consists of the 0s and 1s of the binary system. The images on your computer screen are an example of this. For encoding these images, a binary line is used for each pixel.
  • If a screen uses a sixteen-bit code, instructions will be given to each pixel on which color to display based on which bits are 0s and which are 1s. The result of this is more than 65,000 colors represented by 2 ^ 16. In addition to this, you will find the application of the binary number system in a mathematics branch known as Boolean algebra.
  • The values of logic and truth concern this field of mathematics. In this application, statements are assigned a 0 or 1 based on whether they are true or false. You may want to try a binary to text converter,  if you're looking for a tool that helps in this application.

The Binary Number System Advantage

The binary number system is useful for a number of things. For instance, a computer flips switches to add numbers. You can stimulate computer adding by adding binary numbers to the system. There are now two main reasons for using this computer number system. Firstly, it can provide a reliable safety range. Secondly and most importantly, it helps to minimize the necessary circuitry. This reduces the space needed, the energy consumed, and the expenditure.

Fun Fact

You can encode or translate binary messages written in binary numerals. For example,

(01101001)(01101100011011110111011001100101)(011110010110111101110101) is a decoded message. When you will copy and paste these numbers into our binary translator, you will get the following English text:

I Love You

That means

(01101001)(01101100011011110111011001100101)(011110010110111101110101) = I Love You


Binary Hexadecimal ASCII
00000000 00 NUL
00000001 01 SOH
00000010 02 STX
00000011 03 ETX
00000100 04 EOT
00000101 05 ENQ
00000110 06 ACK
00000111 07 BEL
00001000 08 BS
00001001 09 HT
00001010 0A LF
00001011 0B VT
00001100 0C FF
00001101 0D CR
00001110 0E SO
00001111 0F SI
00010000 10 DLE
00010001 11 DC1
00010010 12 DC2
00010011 13 DC3
00010100 14 DC4
00010101 15 NAK
00010110 16 SYN
00010111 17 ETB
00011000 18 CAN
00011001 19 EM
00011010 1A SUB
00011011 1B ESC
00011100 1C FS
00011101 1D GS
00011110 1E RS
00011111 1F US
00100000 20 Space
00100001 21 !
00100010 22 "
00100011 23 #
00100100 24 $
00100101 25 %
00100110 26 &
00100111 27 '
00101000 28 (
00101001 29 )
00101010 2A *
00101011 2B +
00101100 2C ,
00101101 2D -
00101110 2E .
00101111 2F /
00110000 30 0
00110001 31 1
00110010 32 2
00110011 33 3
00110100 34 4
00110101 35 5
00110110 36 6
00110111 37 7
00111000 38 8
00111001 39 9
00111010 3A :
00111011 3B ;
00111100 3C <
00111101 3D =
00111110 3E >
00111111 3F ?
01000000 40 @
01000001 41 A
01000010 42 B
01000011 43 C
01000100 44 D
01000101 45 E
01000110 46 F
01000111 47 G
01001000 48 H
01001001 49 I
01001010 4A J
01001011 4B K
01001100 4C L
01001101 4D M
01001110 4E N
01001111 4F O
01010000 50 P
01010001 51 Q
01010010 52 R
01010011 53 S
01010100 54 T
01010101 55 U
01010110 56 V
01010111 57 W
01011000 58 X
01011001 59 Y
01011010 5A Z
01011011 5B [
01011100 5C \
01011101 5D ]
01011110 5E ^
01011111 5F _
01100000 60 `
01100001 61 a
01100010 62 b
01100011 63 c
01100100 64 d
01100101 65 e
01100110 66 f
01100111 67 g
01101000 68 h
01101001 69 i
01101010 6A j
01101011 6B k
01101100 6C l
01101101 6D m
01101110 6E n
01101111 6F o
01110000 70 p
01110001 71 q
01110010 72 r
01110011 73 s
01110100 74 t
01110101 75 u
01110110 76 v
01110111 77 w
01111000 78 x
01111001 79 y
01111010 7A z
01111011 7B {
01111100 7C |
01111101 7D }
01111110 7E ~
01111111 7F DEL





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